.Mec Counter.
.Mec Counter.
The inventors game was strangely challenging for being so simple. He made use of a small mechanical counter. He called it a Mec Counter. It was about the size of your thumb. A character's face and abilities are emblazoned on the Mec Counter.
The Mec Counter itself was quite simple; the base is rotated to count one's. As the base turns a nut rises or falls trapped in a slot indicating the tens.
The game starts at 50 points. The object of the game is to change your opponents score to affect victory.
The middle way is your path to victory.
The .Mec Counter. Game Play
Each player rolls their Mec Counter the highest base score will go first.
The Mec Counter is set to 50 points to start the game.
Game Play can be timed. The winner's score is closest to 50 when time ends.
Game Play by counting rounds of turns. The winner's score is closest to 50 in the final round.
Game play to the extreme 0 or 100. Winner causes a rival's score to zero or zenith.
On your turn you will. Move, Attack and Recover. The success of each action is based on a coin flip.
Example turn
The ideal is to move 1 to 9 steps. Initiate attack then hide to recover points. If all goes to plan.
Flip a coin, Heads = Yes Take, Tails = No Give
Heads, Yes you can Move. Moving is done by finger walking to your new location.The move # indicates the number of total steps taken. Moving allows you to move a number of steps. Stop aim and Attack your rival. Now move the remaining number of steps and Recover.
Tails you stay put. Losing the flip to move means you stay put and your rival moves your # of steps.
Rival moves now.
You can Attack only what you can see by line of sight. If touching your rival, all exchanges of points double.
Attack 1 to 9 damage
Points # doubles if touching
Flip a coin 50/50
Heads = Yes Take, Tails = No Give
Heads = Yes Take
Subtract points from your rival equal to your attack #. Then add points to your score equal to your attack #
Tails = No Give
Add points to your rival's score equal to your attack #. Subtract points from your score equal to your attack #
Recover 1 to 9 points
Points # doubles if touching.
Flip a coin 50/50
Heads Yes Take,
Tails No Give
Heads = Yes Take
Add points to your score equal to your Recover #
Tails = No Give
Add points to your rival's score equal to your Recover #
The turn is over. Now it is the rivals turn.